Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Robert Arthur: Alfred Hitchcock a Traja pátrači - Traja pátrači a záhada šepkajúcej múmie

 Traja pátrači - Jupiter, Peter a Bob – dostanú v jeden deň dva listy, ktoré sľubujú nové prípady. V prvom z nich ide o strateného kocúra, druhý však vyzerá náozaj záhadne – stará egyptská múmia, ktorú chce istý profesor egyptológie skúmať, šepká, keď sa k nej priblíži. Peter a Bob si chcú od dobrodružstiev na chvíľu oddýchnuť a zaoberať sa niečim pokojnejším. Tak sa dohodnú, že Jupiterovi povedia o stratenom kocúrovi a až keď pani Banfryovej, majiteľke kocúra, sľúbia pomoc, prezradia mu aj záhadnú múmiu. Najskôr však budú musieť nájsť kocúra – už to predsa sľúbili.

Celkom im to však nevýjde. Vďaka periskopu si všimnú, že Jupiter prichádza s defektom na bicykli, ale Peter pred ním predstiera, že to dokázal vydedukovať zo zaprášeného kolena, špinavých rúk a odtlačku pneumatiky na jednej z nich. Jupiter sa zatvári uznanlivo, ale svojou ďalšou vetou Petra s Bobom šokuje: „Ale také schopnosti by sa nemali mrhať hľadaním strateného kocúra.“ Tí nechcú veriť vlastným ušiam. Čo?! Takými majstrovskými schopnosťami v umení deduktívneho myslenia a logického uvažovania by sa nemalo mrhať pri stíhaní abesínskeho kocúra, ktorý sa stratil zo svojho obvyklého revíru,“ zopakoval Jupiter, schválne použijúc učený spôsob vyjadrovania, ktorí tak neznášali. „Detektívi s vašimi schopnosťami by sa mali pustiť do väčšej hry, ako je, povedzme, …“ na chvíľu sa odmlčal, akoby tuho premýšľal, „... ako je, povedzme, záhada tritisícročnej múmie, ktorá šepká svojmu vlastníkovi tajomné posolstvá v neznámom jazyku.“ Jupiter už pred príchodom do Hlavného stanu zavolal po auto (ktoré mali so šoférom tridsať dní k dispozícii vďaka výhre v súťaži) a o chvíľu boli všetci traja na ceste za profesorom Yarboroughom.

Po príchode k profesorovi sa dozvedia o múmii Ra-Orkona a od komorníka aj o kliatbe, ktorá je vraj s múmiou spojená. Podľa nej každý, kto Ra-Orkona vyruší, zomrie. Profesor sa za tieto reči o kliatbe hnevá a ani Jupiter sa ňou nenechá odradiť. Hneď vyskúša svoju prvú hypotézu – či by múmia nemohla šepkať vďaka vysielačke (takto teda fungovalo to „čítanie myšlienok“!). Petrovo rozprávanie do vysielačky pôsobí síce podobne ako šepkanie múmie, ale nič podobné v sarkofágu nenájdu. Zato však spadne socha egyptského boha Anubisa a maska, a vonku ich takmer zasiahne padajúca žulová guľa. Egyptská kliatba?

Samozrejme, že nie. Kto mal teda na svedomí takéto „nehody“? Kto bol záhadný čarodejník Sardon, ktorý povedal líbyjskému rodu Hamidovcov, že Ra-Orkon je ich predok, ktorý sa chce dostať do svojej vlasti, aby dosiahol pokoj? Hamid je preto v Amerike, aby za každú cenu získal Ra-Orkona. Čo všetko preto urobí? Čo hovorí múmia v jazyku, ktorý sa podobá na starú arabčinu? Ako môže múmia šepkať? A prečo vlastne šepká? To všetko sa dozvieme. Aj to, ako to súvisí so strateným kocúrom pani Banfryovej. Jedinou záhadou mi tak zostáva, ako môže človek zodpovedný za krádež múmie (a iné veci) chcieť ísť po odhalení pracovať na Stredný východ pre Organizáciu spojených národov...

Translation from English; the original title is Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators in The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy.

The Three investigators - Jupiter, Peter and Bob – receive on a one day two letters, which promise new cases. The first one concerns a lost cat, but the other one seems really mysterious – an old Egyptian mummy, which a certain egyptology professor wants to study, whispers, when he gets close to it. Peter and Bob want to take a break from adventures for while and do something calmer. So they agree on telling Jupiter only about the lost cat and only when they promise help to Mrs. Banfry, owner of the cat, they'll reveal also the mysterious mummy. But firstly, they'll have to find the cat – they already promised it.

However, it doesn't really work out. Thanks to a periscope they notice that Jupiter comes with a defect on the tire of his bicycle, but Peter pretends to him that he was able to deduce it from the dust on his knee, dirty hands and mark of a wheel on one of them. Jupiter at first appears appreciative, but with his next sentence he shocks both Peter and Bob: “But such skills shouldn't be wasted on looking for a lost cat.” Those don't want to believe their own ears. What?! “Such master skills in the art of deductive reasoning and logical thinking shouldn't be wasted on chasing an Abyssinian cat that got lost from the usual ground,” repeated Jupiter, intentionally using the erudite speech, which they so much hated. “Detectives with your skills should enter a greater game, such as, let's say, …” he paused for a while, as if he was thinking hard, “such as, let's say, a mystery of a three thousand-year-old mummy which whispers mysterious messages to its owner in an unknown language.” Jupiter already before coming to Headquarters had called a car (which they had available with a driver for thirty days as a prize from a competition) and after a short moment tall three of them were on the way to professor Yarborough.

After arriving to the professor, they learn about the mummy of Ra-Orkon and from the butler also about a curse which is allegedly connected with the mummy. According to it, everyone who disturbs Ra-Orkon, will die. Professor is getting angry about these rumours about the curse and neither Jupiter gets turned off by it. He immediately tests his first theory – whether the mummy couldn't whisper thanks to a walkie-talkie (so this is how that “mind reading” worked!). Peter's talking into the walkie-talkie sounds similar to mummy whispering, but they don't find anything similar in the sarcophagus. However, a statue of an Egyptian god Anubis and a mask fall, and outside they get almost hit by a falling granite ball. Egyptian curse?

Of course not. So who is responsible for such “accidents”? Who was a mysterious wizard Sardon who told to Lybian family of Hamids that Ra-Orko were their ancestor who wants to get to his land to achieve peace? Because of this, Hamid is in America to get Ra-Orkon at any cost. What will he do for that? What does the mummy say in a language which seems similar to ancient Arabic? How can a mummy whisper? Why does it whisper? We get to know all this. Also, how is it connected with the lost cat of Mrs. Banfry. The only remaining mystery for me therefore is, how can a person, responsible for theft of the mummy (and more), want after his conviction to work on Middle East for the United Nations...

The translation of the quotes to English is mine. Once I read about an early computer translator, for which, when translating the idiom „Out of sight, out of mind“ from some language to another (I don't remember which languages they were), the result was „a blind idiot“. I am curious how much my translation differs from the original, but it's certainly better than that! ;-)

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