Thursday 17 March 2016

Ján Karafiát: Chrobáčikovia

Pekný príbeh o svätojánskych muškách, napísaný ešte v 19. storočí. Ako sa im žije? Večer pred západom slnka vstanú, pri modlitbe zopnú nožičky a naraňajkujú sa... V noci svietia ľuďom. Čítame o ich príhodách, o živote - svatbách, narodení malých chrobáčikov aj o smrti. Keď zomrie svätojánska muška, po troch dňoch tam vyrastie stokráska.

Aj malý Svätojanko sa učil lietať, neskôr začal aj on chodiť svietiť, ale často bol neposlušný a to mu spôsobilo aj problémy, keď doňho hodil chlapec klobúk alebo ho zbil Lienik. Ale ako hovorila Janka, priateľka rodiny, on bude poslúchať, keď ho to Pán Boh naučí. Aj sa tak stalo, keď sa neskôr oženil a mal deti, Lienik im povedal, že oni určite poslúchajú, veď aj ich otecko veľmi poslúcha.

Koho poslúcha? Takto sa aj Svätojanko pýtal ako malý - koho to poslúcha jeho otecko? No predsa Boha, vysvetlila mu mamička. Každú noc ide svietiť a svieti, aj keď ho už bolia krídelká a ďalší deň ide znovu svietiť, aby bol poslušný. Pán Boh chce, aby sme ľuďom svietili, tak im svietime, vysvetľuje mu aj otecko. A tak robia, čo od nich Boh chce a prijímajú to, čo sa stane ako Božiu vôľu.

A nice story about the fireflies, written back in the 19th century. How do they live? In the evening before the sunset they get up, at prayer they hold their legs and they eat the breakfast. In the night they light the people. We read about their stories, their life - wedding, births of little fireflies, about the death. When a firefly dies, after three days a daisy grows there.

Also little Svätojanko ("svätojánska muška" is a "firefly", literally "fly of St. John") was learning to fly and later also he was going to light, but he was often diobedient which causes him also problems, when a boy throwed a hat to him or when a bug beated him. But as Janka, a family friend, was saying, he will obey when God teaches him. And so it happened, when he later got married and had children, they were told they they certainly are obedient, since also their father is obedient.

Whom does he obey? Also Svätojanko was asking this as a little - whom does his father obey? God, explained him Mum. Every night he goes to light and he light and lightes, even though his wings are already aching and the next day he goes again, to be obedient. God wants us to light to people, so we do so, explains him also his Dad. And so they do what God wants and they accept what happens as God's will.

Erik Jakub Groch: Tuláčik a Klára

Tuláčik je malý psík a Klára dievčatko. Tuláčik sa stratí a nájde domov u Kláry. Tuláčik je smutný, že Klára neje kosti a Klára je smutná, že ona kosti nemá a Tuláčik koláče neje. Tak mu spraví koláč v tvare kosti a spolu ho - obaja šťastní - zjedia. Inokedy zase Tuláčik dostane na meniny kukučkové hodiny, ktoré si želal, ale nakoniec sa rozhodne, že ich nebude používať, lebo je to stresujúce, myslieť na to, že už som si mal zaštekať alebo sa prebehnúť. Potom mu Klára nakreslí obrázok Margarity, psej slečny, do ktorej sa Tuláčik zaľúbi, až ochorie a Klára hľadá spôsob, ako ho vyliečiť.

K tomu takéto pekné ilustrácie:

Tu sa napríklad Tuláčik učil spievať. Myši na povali utekajú a s ostatnými to nebolo lepšie. Ale tuláčik pochopil, že toto nie je dobrý nápad, takisto ako frak a prekrútené pokusy o učené slová v inej poviedke. Radšej bude naháňať zajaca.

Tuláčik (literally: Little Wanderer) is a little dog and Klára is  little girl. Tuláčik gets lost and finds a home at Klára. Tuláčik is sad because Klára doesn't eat bones and Klára is sad because she doesn't have bones and Tuláčik doesn't eat cakes. So she makes him a cake in a form of a bone and they together - both happy - eat it. At another time he gets cuckoo clock for his nameday, which he wished, but at the end he decides not to use them, since it is stresfull, to think that I should have already barked or run. Then Klára draws him a picture of Margarita, a lady dog, who he falls in love with so much that he gets ill and Klára is looking for a waz how to cure him.

And this goes with nice illustrations. The picture shown with the Slovak text above shows how was Tuláčik learning to sing. The mice at the attic are runnng away and with others it wasn't better. Tuláčik realises that it wasn't a good idea, similarly as tailcoat and twisted attemps to scholarly words. He will rather chase the rabbit.